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Darth Vader Dont Fail Me Again Meme


The Empire Strikes Back (1980) Poster

Luke: All right, I'll give it a try.

Yoda: No. Try not. Do... or do not. At that place is no attempt.

Han Solo: [as Chewie tries to fight off the imperials and free Han] No! Stop, Chewie, cease! Chewie! Chewie this won't assist me! Hey! Salve your strength. In that location'll be another time. The Princess. You lot accept to accept care of her. You hear me? Huh?

[Leia and Han share a passionate kiss before Han is dragged towards the freezing chamber by the imperials]

Princess Leia: I love you.

Han Solo: I know.

Princess Leia: [bellyaching] Why, yous stuck up... half-witted... scruffy-looking... Nerf-herder!

Han Solo: Who's scruffy-looking?

[Using the Force, Yoda effortlessly frees the Ten-Wing from the bog]

Luke: I don't, I don't believe it.

Yoda: That is why you neglect.

Luke: I won't fail you. I'thousand not afraid.

Yoda: You volition be. You... volition... be.

C-3PO: Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to ane.

Han Solo: Never tell me the odds.

Yoda: I am wondering, why are you hither?

Luke: I'1000 looking for someone.

Yoda: Looking? Found someone, you have, I would say, hmmm?

Luke: Correct...

Yoda: Aid you I can. Yes, mmmm.

Luke: I don't think so. I'm looking for a smashing warrior.

Yoda: Ohhh. Keen warrior.

[laughs and shakes his head]

Yoda: Wars non make one great.

[Luke tin can't levitate his X-Wing out of the bog]

Luke: I can't. Information technology'south too big.

Yoda: Size matters non. Expect at me. Judge me by my size, practise you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds u.s. and binds usa. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. Yous must feel the Force around you; hither, between yous, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, aye. Even between the land and the ship.

[later choking Captain Needa to death]

Darth Vader: Apology accepted, Captain Needa.

Yoda: Set up are y'all? What know you of gear up? For viii hundred years take I trained Jedi. My ain counsel will I go on on who is to be trained. A Jedi must have the deepest delivery, the most serious mind. This one a long fourth dimension have I watched. All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph! Gamble. Heh! Excitement. Heh! A Jedi craves non these things. Yous are reckless!

Yoda: Yep, run! Yes, a Jedi'south strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, assailment; the nighttime side of the Forcefulness are they. Easily they period, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it boss your destiny, eat yous it volition, every bit it did Obi-Wan's amateur.

Luke: Vader... Is the dark side stronger?

Yoda: No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.

Luke: But how am I to know the skilful side from the bad?

Yoda: You will know... when yous are calm, at peace, passive. A Jedi uses the Force for noesis and defense, NEVER for attack.

Luke: But tell my why I tin can't...

Yoda: No, no! In that location is no "why".

Yoda: Why wish you go Jedi?

Luke: Well, mostly considering of my male parent, I approximate.

Yoda: Ahh... father. Powerful Jedi was he. Powerful Jedi.

Luke: [suspcious] Oh, come up on! How can you know my father? Yous don't even know who I am. Oh, I don't even know what I'm doing here! We're wasting our time!

Yoda: [Looking away from Luke] I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience.

Obi-Wan: [vocalisation-over] He volition learn patience.

Yoda: Much acrimony in him... like his father.

Obi-Wan: [vox] Was I any different when yous taught me?

Han Solo: Hey, Your Worship, I'm only trying to help.

Princess Leia: Would you delight stop calling me that?

Han Solo: Sure, Leia.

Princess Leia: You make it and so difficult sometimes.

Han Solo: I practice, I actually do. Y'all could be a petty nicer, though. Come on, admit it. Sometimes y'all think I'm all right.

Princess Leia: Occasionally, maybe... when y'all aren't acting like a scoundrel.

Han Solo: Scoundrel? Scoundrel... I like the audio of that.

[Han starts to massage Leia'due south hand]

Princess Leia: Finish that.

Han Solo: Stop what?

Princess Leia: [timidly] Cease that. My easily are dirty.

Han Solo: My hands are muddied, too. What are you afraid of?

Princess Leia: Afraid?

Han Solo: You're trembling.

Princess Leia: I'm not trembling.

[Han moves in closer]

Han Solo: You like me considering I'thou a scoundrel. There aren't plenty scoundrels in your life.

Princess Leia: I happen to similar nice men.

Han Solo: I'1000 a overnice human.

Princess Leia: No, yous're non...

[they osculation]

Luke: In that location'south something not right here... I feel cold. Death.

Yoda: [points to a cave opening beneath a big tree] That place... is stiff with the dark side of the Force. A domain of evil it is. In you must go.

Luke: What'south in there?

Yoda: Just what you take with you.

Princess Leia: Y'all're non actually going IN to an asteroid field?

Han Solo: They'd be crazy to follow us, wouldn't they?

[Han has decided to go searching for Luke]

Echo Base Officer: Your Tauntaun will freeze before y'all attain the first marker!

Han Solo: Then I'll run across yous in Hell!

Han Solo: You said yous wanted to be around when I fabricated a error, well, this could be it, sweetheart.

Princess Leia: I take it back.

Darth Vader: Calrissian. Take the princess and the Wookie to my send.

Lando: You said they'd exist left at the metropolis under my supervision!

Darth Vader: I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further.

Yoda: Your weapons, y'all will not need them.

Luke: I desire my lamp back. I'grand gonna need it to go out of this slimy mudhole.

Yoda: Mudhole? Slimy? My home this is!

Darth Vader: Luke, you can destroy the Emperor. He has foreseen this. It is your destiny. Join me, and together we tin can dominion the galaxy as father and son.

[Luke's ship sinks into the mud]

Luke: We'll never become information technology out now!

Yoda: So sure are you. Always with you what cannot exist done. Hear y'all nothing that I say?

Han Solo: Afraid I was gonna leave without giving yous a goodbye kiss?

Princess Leia: I'd just as presently kiss a Wookiee.

Han Solo: I can arrange that. You could utilize a good buss.

Han Solo: [cut open his dead Tauntaun and shoving Luke inside] This may smell bad, kid, but information technology'll continue you warm until I become the shelter up... Ugh. And I idea they smelled bad on the *exterior*.

[the Millennium Falcon, under siege, won't start]

Princess Leia: [sarcastic] Would it assistance if I got out and pushed?

Han Solo: [likewise sarcastic] It might!

Boba Fett: What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me.

Darth Vader: The Empire will compensate you lot, if he dies. Put him in.

Han Solo: Well Princess, it looks like you managed to keep me here a while longer.

Princess Leia: I had nothing to do with it. Full general Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for anyone to leave the arrangement until they've activated the energy shield.

Han Solo: That'south a skilful story. I remember you just tin can't bear to let a gorgeous guy similar me out of your sight.

Princess Leia: I don't know where you get your delusions, laser encephalon.

[Chewbacca laughs]

Han Solo: Laugh information technology up, fuzzball.

Yoda: You must unlearn what you lot take learned.

C-3PO: [Interrupting Han and Leia kissing] Sir. Sir, I've isolated the reverse, power flux coupling.

Han Solo: Thank you. Thank y'all very much.

C-3PO: Oh you're perfectly welcome, sir.

Leia: They're getting closer.

Han Solo: Oh, yep? Spotter this.

[he throws the hyperdrive lever, the engine sputters and dies]

Leia: Watch what?

Han Solo: I recollect we're in trouble.

C-3PO: If I may say and then, sir, I noticed earlier the hyperdrive motivator has been damaged. It'southward impossible to get to lightspeed!

Han Solo: We're in problem!

C-3PO: Don't worry well-nigh Master Luke. I'thou sure he'll be all right. He's quite clever, you know... for a human being.

[commencement lines]

Luke: Echo Three to Echo Seven. Han, old buddy, do you lot read me?

Han Solo: Loud and clear, child. What's upward?

Luke: Well, I finished my circle. I don't pick upwardly any life readings.

Han Solo: At that place isn't enough life on this water ice cube to fill up a space cruiser. Sensors are placed. I'g going back.

Luke: Right. I'll see yous shortly. In that location'southward a meteorite that hitting the ground well-nigh here. I desire to check it out. It won't take long.

Darth Vader: [kneeling before Emperor Palpatine'due south hologram] What is thy bidding, my principal?

Emperor Palpatine: There is a swell disturbance in the Force.

Darth Vader: I take felt it.

Emperor Palpatine: We take a new enemy. The immature Rebel who destroyed the Death Star. I have no doubt this boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker.

Darth Vader: How is that possible?

Emperor Palpatine: Search your feelings, Lord Vader. You will know it to be true. He could destroy u.s.a..

Darth Vader: He's only a boy. Obi-Wan tin can no longer assistance him.

Emperor Palpatine: The Force is potent with him. The son of Skywalker must not go a Jedi.

Darth Vader: If he could be turned, he would become a powerful ally.

Emperor Palpatine: [intrigued] Yes... He would be a great asset. Can it be done?

Darth Vader: He will join usa or dice, master.

Darth Vader: Impressive. Virtually impressive. Obi-Wan has taught you well. Y'all accept controlled your fear. Now, release your anger. Only your hatred can destroy me.

Yoda: Control, control, you must learn control!

Darth Vader: [having cornered Luke during their lightsaber battle] You are beaten. Information technology is useless to resist. Don't let yourself exist destroyed equally Obi-Wan did.

Yoda: [to Luke] How do you get and so large eating food of this kind?

Luke: I don't know. I feel like...

Yoda: Feel like what?

[Luke whips around and pulls out his blaster in defense]

Luke: Similar we're being watched.

Yoda: Away put your weapon. I hateful y'all no harm.

[Yoda tries to convince Luke not to leave]

Yoda: You must non go!

Luke: But Han and Leia will die if I don't.

[Obi-Wan'due south Forcefulness-spirit suddenly appears]

Obi-Wan: You don't know that. Fifty-fifty Yoda cannot see their fate.

Luke: But I can aid them! I feel the Force!

Obi-Wan: Just you cannot command it. This is a unsafe fourth dimension for y'all, when you will exist tempted by the Night Side of the Force.

[last lines]

Lando: Princess, we'll discover Han. I hope.

Luke: Chewie, I'll be waiting for your point. Accept care, you two. May the force exist with yous.

[heading into a cave on a large asteroid]

Princess Leia: I hope you know what you're doing.

Han Solo: Yes, me likewise.

C-3PO: Oh. They've encased him in Carbonite. He should be quite well protected. If he survived the freezing process, that is.

Darth Vader: Well, Calrissian, did he survive?

Lando: Yes, he's alive, and in perfect hibernation.

Darth Vader: He's all yours, bounty hunter. Reset the chamber for Skywalker.

Darth Vader: The strength is with you, immature Skywalker, simply you are not a Jedi yet.

Darth Vader: Yeah, Admiral?

Admiral Piett: Our ships have sighted the Millennium Falcon, my Lord. Merely it has entered an asteroid field and nosotros cannot risk...

Darth Vader: [interrupting] Asteroids do not concern me, Admiral! I want that transport, non excuses!

Admiral Piett: Yes, my Lord.

Princess Leia: [to Han] Well, I guess you don't know everything about women yet.

[Leia gives Luke a kiss in front of Han]

Echo Base Officer: Echo station 3-T-8, nosotros have spotted Purple walkers.

[Darth Vader has merely learned of Admiral Ozzel'due south large corrigendum, and activates a viewscreen]

Admiral Ozzel: [appearing onscreen with Captain Piett] Lord Vader, the fleet has moved out of lightspeed and we're preparing to...

[Ozzel stops, and suddenly begins to choke, clutching at his throat]

Darth Vader: You take failed me for the concluding time, Admiral! Captain Piett?

Captain Piett: Yes, my lord?

Darth Vader: Make ready to state our troops beyond their energy field, and deploy the fleet, and so that nothing gets off the organisation.

[beside Piett, Admiral Ozzel utters ane last strangled gasp, and falls over dead]

Darth Vader: You are in command now... Admiral Piett!

Admiral Piett: Give thanks you, Lord Vader. I won't fail you.

Luke: [clinging to an antennae below Cloud City] Leia... Hear me, Leia...

Princess Leia: [in the Falcon] Luke... Nosotros've got to get dorsum.

Lando: What?

Princess Leia: I know where Luke is!

Lando: How you doin' Chewbacca? Still hanging around with this loser?

Darth Vader: [1:06:12] There volition be a substantial reward for the one who finds the Millennium Falcon. You are free to use whatsoever methods necessary, merely I desire them alive. No disintegrations.

Boba Fett: As you wish.

Yoda: Stopped they must be; on this all depends. Only a fully trained Jedi Knight, with the Force equally his ally, will conquer Vader and his Emperor. If you finish your training now - if yous choose the quick and like shooting fish in a barrel path as Vader did - you will get an amanuensis of evil.

Obi-Wan: Patience.

Luke: And sacrifice Han and Leia?

Yoda: If yous honor what they fight for? Aye.

Obi-Wan: If you choose to face Vader, yous will do it alone. I cannot interfere.

Luke: I understand. R2? Burn upwards the converters.

Obi-Wan: Luke! Don't give in to hate. That leads to the Dark Side.

Yoda: Stiff is Vader. Mind what you lot accept learned. Salvage you it tin can.

Luke: I volition. And I'll return, I hope.

Han Solo: How ya feeling kid? You don't wait so bad to me. You look strong enough to pull the ears off a gundark.

Luke: Thank you to you.

Han Solo: That's two you owe me, inferior.

Lando: I had no pick. They arrived right before yous did. I'grand deplorable.

Han Solo: I'm sorry too.

Princess Leia: All troop carriers volition get together at the north entrance. The heavy transport ships will leave as presently as they're loaded. Just ii fighter escorts per ship. The energy shield tin can merely be opened for a brusk fourth dimension, so yous'll accept to stay very close to your transports.

Derek 'Hobbie' Klivian: Two fighters against a Star Destroyer?

Princess Leia: The ion cannon will fire several shots to make sure any enemy ships volition be out of your flying path. When yous've gotten by the free energy shield, proceed directly to the rendezvous point. Understood? Good luck.

Darth Vader: [one:28:32] We would be honored if you would join us.

Han Solo: [C-3PO won't terminate complaining] Either shut him up or shut him down!

[repeated line]

Luke: Ben... Ben. Why didn't y'all tell me?

[after R2D2 is spit out by a swamp beast on Dagobah - the line is changed in the Special Edition]

Luke: You were lucky to go out of there.

[the asteroid quakes]

C-3PO: Sir, it's quite possible this asteroid is non entirely stable.

Han Solo: Not entirely stable. I'm glad you lot're here to tell u.s. these things. Chewie! Take the Professor in back and plug him into the hyperdrive!

C-3PO: Excuse me sir, but might I inquire as to what's going on?

Han Solo: Why not?

C-3PO: Impossible man.

[reacting to the arrival of Boba Fett and others]

Admiral Piett: Compensation hunters. We don't demand that scum.

Captain Needa: They can't have disappeared. No transport that small has a cloaking device.

[Wedge and Janson succeeds in bring down an Majestic Walker]

Wedge Antilles: Whoa! That got him!

C-3PO: [R2 is exterior the Hoth base, scanning the area] You must come along now R2. There's really cipher more we tin do. And my joints are freezing up.

[R2 Beeps something nigh Luke]

C-3PO: Don't say things similar that! Of course we'll see Master Luke again! And he'll be quite all correct, y'all'll see!

[to himself]

C-3PO: Stupid footling short-circuit! He'll exist *quite* all right.

[R2 beeps over again and keeps scanning]

[in the Asteroid Field]

Princess Leia: We're going to get pulverized if we stay out here much longer.

Han Solo: I'thou non going to argue with that.

C-3PO: Pulverized?

Princess Leia: Some day you're gonna be wrong, I just hope I'm there to see information technology.

Han Solo: What's going on... Buddy?

Lando: Yous're being put into carbon-freeze.

Lando: [talks to Darth Vader about trapping Luke Skywalker] Lord Vader, nosotros simply utilise this facility for carbon freezing. You put him in at that place, it might impale him!

Darth Vader: I do not want the Emperor'southward prize damaged. We volition test it... on Captain Solo.

C-3PO: Sir, If I may venture an opinion...

Han Solo: I'm not really interested in your opinion 3PO.

Darth Vader: You have learned much, young i.

Luke: You'll find I'm total of surprises.

Lando: What are you doing here?

Han Solo: Ah, repairs. I was hoping you lot could help me out.

Lando: What have you lot done to my transport?

Han Solo: YOUR ship? Hey, call up yous lost her to me, fair and foursquare.

[evacuating the Rebel Hoth base]

Han Solo: [to C-3PO] Hurry upwardly, goldenrod! Or you lot're gonna be a permanent resident!

[Chewbacca is fixing C-3PO]

C-3PO: Oh, yes, that'southward very good, I like that... Oh!

[the lights in his eyes get out]

C-3PO: Well, at present, something's not right, because now I tin't see!

[Chewie fiddles with something and his eyes plough back on]

C-3PO: Oh, oh, that's much improve. Wait... look. Oh, my! What have you done? I'grand BACKWARDS. You lot flea-bitten furball! Only an overgrown mop-head similar you would exist stupid enough to...

[Chewie switches 3PO off]

C-3PO: I thought that hairy beast would be the end of me.

[R2-D2 bleeps an enquiry]

C-3PO: Of course I've looked better.

Han Solo: [after being tortured] I experience terrible.

Lando: [seeing Leia for the kickoff time] Hi, what have nosotros hither? Welcome, I'm Lando Calrissian. I'grand the ambassador of this facility. And who might you lot exist?

Princess Leia: [smiles] Leia.

Lando: Welcome, Leia.

[Lando bows and kisses her hand]

Han Solo: Alright, alright, y'all old smoothie.

[Luke has seen a vision of Han, Leia and Chewie being tortured in Cloud City]

Luke: I saw - I saw a city in the clouds.

Yoda: [nods] Friends you have there.

Luke: They were in pain...

Yoda: It is the future you lot see.

Luke: The hereafter?


Luke: Will they die?

Yoda: [closes his eyes for a moment] Difficult to see. Ever in motion is the future.

Luke: I've got to go to them.

Yoda: Decide you must, how to serve them all-time. If you lot leave now, help them you lot could; but y'all would destroy all for which they have fought, and suffered.

Admiral Piett: Lord Vader, our ships accept completed their scan of the area and found nothing. If the Millennium Falcon went into calorie-free-speed, which I doubt, information technology'll be on the other side of the galaxy by now.

Darth Vader: Warning all commands. Calculate every possible destination along their terminal known trajectory.

Admiral Piett: Yeah, my Lord. Nosotros'll find them.

Darth Vader: Don't neglect me again, Admiral. I've had quite enough.

[Amid the violence of colliding asteroids]

Princess Leia: [to Han Solo] Y'all don't accept to do this to print me.

Darth Vader: You may take Helm Solo to Jabba the Hutt after I take Skywalker.

Boba Fett: He's no good to me dead.

Darth Vader: He volition non be permanently damaged.

[Han heads out of the Asteroids toward a Star Destroyer]

C-3PO: The odds of successfully surviving an assault on an Imperial Star Destroyer are approximately...

Leia: Shut up!

[kickoff championship cards]

Title card/crawl: A long fourth dimension agone in a milky way far, far away...

Title card/crawl: It is a dark fourth dimension for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their subconscious base and pursued them across the galaxy. Evading the dreaded Imperial Starfleet, a group of freedom fighters led by Luke Skywalker has established a new secret base on the remote ice world of Hoth. The evil lord Darth Vader, obsessed with finding young Skywalker, has dispatched thousands of remote probes into the far reaches of infinite...

C-3PO: [Chewbacca is carrying the dismembered C3PO on his back] If only you'd fastened my legs, I wouldn't exist in this ridiculous position. Now remember, Chewbacca, you have a responsibility to me, so don't exercise anything foolish!

Luke: How far abroad is Yoda? Volition information technology take us long to become there?

Yoda: Not far. Yoda not far. Patience. Before long yous will exist with him.

Lando: [greeting "onetime friend" Han Solo] Why you slimy, double-crossing, no-good swindler. You've got a lot of guts coming here, later on what y'all pulled.

[Han reveals his clever plan of escape]

Princess Leia: You lot take your moments. Not many of them, only you do have them.

Lando: Lord Vader, what nearly Leia and the Wookiee?

Darth Vader: They must never again leave this metropolis.

Lando: [outraged] That was never a condition of our agreement, nor was giving Han to this compensation hunter!

Darth Vader: Perhaps you lot think you're existence treated unfairly?

Lando: [afterward a interruption; nervous tone] No.

Darth Vader: Good, it would be unfortunate if I had to go out a garrison here.

Lando: [to himself] This deal is getting worse all the time!

[On the asteroid]

Princess Leia: I take a bad feeling about this...

Dak: Right now I experience like I could take on the whole Empire myself.

Lando: Punch it!

[Chewbacca attempts to engage the hyperdrive on the Millenium Falcon - it fails. Chewie and Leia both glare at Lando]

Lando: They told me they fixed it! I *trusted* them to *gear up* it! It's non my mistake!

Darth Vader: What is it, General?

Full general Veers: My Lord, the fleet has moved out of lightspeed. Com Scan has detected an energy field protecting an area on the sixth planet of the Hoth System. The field is stiff plenty to deflect whatever bombardment.

Darth Vader: [getting angry] The Rebels are alerted to our presence. Admiral Ozzel came out of lightspeed also close to the system.

General Veers: He... he felt surprise was wiser...

Darth Vader: He is every bit impuissant equally he is stupid! A clean bombardment is now impossible. General... set up your troops for a surface attack.

General Veers: Aye, my Lord.

Lando: I've just fabricated a deal that'll keep the Empire out of hither forever.

[while the Falcon is fleeing from Imperial fighters, and R2-D2 is stitching C-3PO back together]

C-3PO: Noisy brute. Why don't nosotros but go to lightspeed?

R2-D2: [beeps]

C-3PO: Nosotros can't? How would you lot know the hyperdrive is deactivated?

R2-D2: [beeps]

C-3PO: The City's primal computer told y'all? R2-D2, you know ameliorate than to trust a strange estimator.

[R2's welding arm shocks his ankle]

C-3PO: Ouch! Pay attending to what y'all're doing!

Han Solo: Exit of here, Lando.

Lando: Shut upwardly and heed. Vader has agreed that turn Leia and Chewie over to me.

Han Solo: Over to you?

Lando: They'll have to stay here at least, they'll be safe.

Leia: What most Han?

Lando: Vader's giving him to the bounty hunter.

Leia: Vader wants usa all dead.

Lando: No, he doesn't want you at all. He's after somebody called, uh... Skywalker.

Han Solo: Luke?

Lando: Lord Vader has set a trap for him.

Leia: And we're the allurement.

Lando: Yep? Well, he'due south on his fashion.

Han Solo: Perfect. Yous fixed us all real good, didn't you lot? My friend?

[Han punches Lando. The two friends are instantly engaged in a frantic close-quarters fight. The guards hit him with their rifle butts and he flies beyond the room. Chewie growls and starts for the guards. They indicate their light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation weapons at him, but Lando stops them]

Lando: Stop! I've washed all I intendance. I'm sad I couldn't do better, but I got my own issues. I've already stuck my neck out farther than I should.

Han Solo: Yes... You're a real hero.

[Lando and the guards leave]

C-3PO: [on Han's escape plan] I really don't see how that is going to assistance! Surrender is a perfectly adequate alternative in farthermost circumstances! The Empire may be gracious enough to...

[Han signals to Leia, who shuts 3PO down]

Leia: I thought you knew this person.

Chewbacca: [Chewie barks something to Han]

Han Solo: Well, that was a long time ago, I'm sure he's forgotten about that.

[trying to gear up the hyperdrive]

Han Solo: Horizontal boosters. Alluvial dampers? Ow! That's not information technology, bring me the Hydrospanner. I don't know how we're going to get out of this one.

[the ship is hit, causing the tool box to fall on Han]

Han Solo: OW! Chewie!

[C-3PO is broken nearly across repair]

Lando: Having trouble with your droid?

Han Solo: No, no problem. Why?

[the storm troopers are taken prisoner by Calrissian'southward men]

Lando: [to Lobot, his aide] Well washed. Hold them in the security tower, and keep information technology repose. Move.

[Lando's aide and their men walk off with the troops every bit Lando hands Leia the imperials' weapons and starts taking off Chewie's cuffs]

Leia: What practise you remember y'all're doing?

Lando: We're getting out of hither.

C-3PO: I knew all along. Had to be a mistake.

Leia: [angrily] Practise you think that after what you did to Han that we're going to trust you?

[Chewie grabs Lando by the throat]

Lando: [choking] I had no choice!

C-3PO: What are you doing? Trust him, trust him!

Leia: Oh, well, we understand, don't we, Chewie. You lot had "no choice".

Lando: Only trying to assistance...

Leia: We don't need any of your help!

Lando: [gasps] Han! Ha- Ha...

Leia: What?

Lando: HAN!

C-3PO: Information technology sounds similar Han!

Lando: [gasping] There's all the same a run a risk to save Han! At the east... platform!

Leia: Chewie!

[Leia gets Chewie to drop Lando]

C-3PO: I'm terribly sad about all this. Afterwards all, he's only a Wookiee!

Lando: [to Han] You know, seeing y'all sure brings dorsum a few things. Yeah, I'thou responsible now, the price you pay for being successful.

[C-3PO and R2-D2 are first seen walking in the undercover base on Ice Planet Hoth]

C-3PO: I didn't ask y'all to plow on the thermal heater. I just commented that information technology was freezing in the princess's chamber...

R2-D2: [Chirps his objection]

C-3PO: But information technology's SUPPOSED to exist freezing! How nosotros are ever going to dry out out her clothes, I really don't know!

Han Solo: [when a toolbox falls on his head] OOOOW!

Lando: [walks into a room with Han, Leia, and Chewbacca in it] Lamentable, am I interrupting anything?

Princess Leia: Non really.

Lando: [smiles] You wait absolutely beautiful. Yous truly belong hither with united states among the clouds.

[Han looks jealous]

Princess Leia: [bitterly] Cheers.

Lando: Would you join usa for a lilliputian refreshment? Everyone'southward invited, of course.

[looks at the broken C-3PO]

Lando: Having trouble with your droid?

Han Solo: No, no problem. Why?

[he and Leia walk away as Lando glances at 3PO over again then follows with Chewie]

[after R2-D2 gets fried]

C-3PO: Well, don't blame me. I'm an interpreter. I'm not supposed to know a power socket from a computer terminal.

C-3PO: Principal Luke, Sir, it's and so expert to come across you fully functional once again. R2 expresses his relief also.

C-3PO: I'thou terribly sorry about all this. After all, he'southward simply a Wookiee.

C-3PO: Sir, I don't know where your transport learned to communicate, only information technology has the near peculiar dialect.

Darth Vader: Your destiny lies with me Skywalker. Obi-Wan knew this to exist true.

Luke: No...

C-3PO: Artoo says that the chances of survival are 725 to 1. Really Artoo has been known to make mistakes... from time to time... Oh dear...

Lando: [to Leia] You look absolutely beautiful. Yous truly belong here with u.s. amongst the clouds.

Princess Leia: [cooly] Thanks.

Darth Vader: Yes, Admiral, what is it?

Admiral Piett: The Emperor commands you brand contact with him.

Darth Vader: Motility the transport out of the asteroid field so that we can transport a clear transmission.

C-3PO: [in 1997 Special Edition simply] Oh, this is suicide! There'due south nowhere to become.

Darth Vader: [in 1997 Special Edition just] Warning my Star Destroyer to prepare for my arrival.

Luke: Now all I got to is find this Yoda. If he even exists. It'south a really strange place to observe a Jedi Master. This place gives me the creeps.

[starts to swallow something]

Luke: Still... there's something familiar virtually this place.

[R2-D2 beeps]

Luke: I don't know, I feel similar...

[all of a sudden whips effectually and aims his gun at Yoda, who cowers and whimpers]

Luke: ... like we're beingness watched!

Yoda: Away put your weapon, I mean you no impairment! I am wondering, why are you hither?

Luke: I'yard looking for someone.

Yoda: Looking? Found someone, you take, I would say! Hmm?


Luke: [lowers his gun] Right...

Yoda: Help yous, I can. Yes, mmm.

Luke: I don't think so.

[Yoda frowns]

Luke: I'm looking for a great warrior.

Yoda: Oh!

[chuckles and comes toward Luke]

Yoda: Great warrior!

[laughs again]

Yoda: Wars not make one great, heh heh heh!

[grunts equally he comes over to Luke's area and picks upwards the thing Luke was eating]

Luke: Put that down, now we...

[Yoda takes a bite of the nutrient]

Luke: Hey! My dinner!

[takes the food out of Yoda'southward hand and puts it in the lunch pack]

[R2 is trying to open the door as Tempest Troopers shoot at them; he beeps]

C-3PO: No! We're non interested in the hyperdrive on the Millenium Falcon, it's fixed!

[R2 beeps once more]

C-3PO: But open the door, y'all stupid lug!

[he opens the door]

C-3PO: I never doubted him for a second! Wonderful!

[Leia and Han prepares to escape in the Falcon]

Princess Leia: This bucket of bolts'due south never gonna become u.s.a. past that blockade.

Darth Vader: Warning my Star Destroyer to prepare for my inflow.

Luke: Watch that cross fire boys.

Darth Vader: Warning my Star Destroyer to set for my arrival.

Boba Fett: What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me.

Yoda: [Luke is preparing his X-Wing fighter for have off] Luke. You must complete the training.

Luke: No, I tin can't keep the vision out of my caput. They are my friends; I've got to help them.

Yoda: Y'all must not go.

Luke: But, Han and Leia will dice if I don't.

Obi-Wan: You don't know that.

[Force ghost of Obi-Wan appears]

Obi-Wan: Fifty-fifty Yoda cannot see their fate.

Luke: But, I tin can help them. I experience the Force.

Obi-Wan: Simply, y'all cannot control information technology. This is a dangerous time for you. When yous will exist tempted by the dark side of the force.

Yoda: Yes! Yes! To Obi Wan, you lot listen. The cave. Remember your failure with the cave?

Luke: Only I've learnt so much since and then. Master Yoda, I promise to return and terminate what I've begun. You take my word.

Obi-Wan: It is you and your abilities the Emperor wants. That is why your friends are fabricated to endure.

Luke: That's why I have to get.

Obi-Wan: Luke. I don't want to lose you to the Emperor, the way I lost Vader.

Luke: You lot won't.

Yoda: Stopped, they must exist. On this, all depends. Only a fully trained Jedi Knight, with the Strength every bit his ally, will conquer Vader and his Emperor. If y'all end your grooming now, if you cull the quick and like shooting fish in a barrel path as Vader did, you will become an amanuensis of evil.

Obi-Wan: Patience.

Luke: And sacrifice Han and Leia?

Yoda: If you honor what they fight for? Yeah!

Obi-Wan: If you choose to face Vader, you will do it lone. I cannot interfere.

Luke: I understand.

[Yoda looks surprised]

Luke: R2, burn up the converters.

[Luke boards his X-Wing fighter]

Obi-Wan: Luke! Don't give in to detest. That leads to the dark side.

Obi-Wan: Potent, is Vader. Heed what you take learned. Relieve you, it tin!

Luke: I will! And I'll return. I promise!

[Luke takes off and departs Degobah]

Yoda: [Obi-Wan and Yoda watches Luke fly away. Obi-Wan vanishes] Told you I did. Reckless, is he. Now... matters are worse.

Obi-Wan: That boy is our concluding promise.

Yoda: No. There is another.

C-3PO: [equally Chewie tries to fight off the imperials and free Han] Oh, no! No, no, no! Stop, Chewbacca! Stop!

[Boba Fett prepares to blast him, Darth Vader blocks him]

Han Solo: No! Chewie, end! You're gonna get us all killed! Chewie, end!

C-3PO: Oh, yes! Stop, delight! I am not gear up to die!

Han Solo: Hey, hey! Heed to me, Chewie! Chewie, this won't help me! Hey! Save your forcefulness. There'll be some other fourth dimension. The Princess. You have to have care of her. You hear me? Huh?

[Leia and Han share a passionate kiss earlier Han is dragged towards the freezing sleeping accommodation past the imperials]

Princess Leia: I love you.

Han Solo: I know.

Han Solo: [deleted scene; Han walks up back to Leia] You've been and so decorated beingness a Princess y'all haven't learned how to be a woman. I could accept helped yous. But, it's too late. Your big opportunity is flight outta here sweetheart, right now.

Princess Leia: I think I can survive.

Han Solo: Good luck.

[walks away]

Princess Leia: You don't care about all those people depending on you lot...

Han Solo: [cuts her off] Spare me please. Don't tell me about the rebellion again. Don't yous recall about anything else? I'm sorry only yous're as cold as this planet.

Princess Leia: ...and you think you're the 1 to apply some oestrus?

Han Solo: I could, only I'thousand non actually interested anymore. Nosotros'll meet again, and peradventure by and then you lot'll have warmed up a little.

Princess Leia: You lot take all the convenance of a Banatha and just about equally much charm. Enjoy your trip, hotshot!

[walks abroad]

Lando: Lord Vader, we but use this facility for carbon freezing. If yous put him in at that place it might kill him.

Darth Vader: I do non want the Emperor'south prize damaged. We will examination it on Helm Solo.

General Veers: Yes, Lord Vader. I've reached the main power generators. The shield will be down in no time. You may starting time your landing.

C-3PO: That sounds like an R2 unit in there! I wonder if... Howdy? Hello? How interesting.

Stormtrooper: Who are you?

C-3PO: Oh, my! I... I'thousand terribly sorry. I didn't hateful to intrude. No, delight don't get up.

[the Stormtrooper shoots C-3PO]

Han Solo: Get out of here, Lando.

Lando: Shut upwards and mind. At present Vader has agreed to plough Leia and Chewie over to me.

Han Solo: Over to y'all?

Lando: They'll have to stay hither, but at least they'll exist condom.

Princess Leia: What about Han?

Lando: Vader's giving him to the bounty hunter.

Princess Leia: Vader wants the states all dead.

Lando: No, he doesn't want you at all! He's after somebody called, uh... Skywalker.

Han Solo: Luke?

Lando: Lord Vader has set a trap for him.

Princess Leia: And we're the bait.

Lando: Aye? Well, he's on his mode.

Han Solo: Perfect. Yous fixed us all real good, didn't you? My friend!

[Han punches Lando. The 2 friends are instantly engaged in a frantic close-quarters fight. The guards striking him with their rifle butts and he flies across the room. Chewie growls and starts for the guards. They point their laser weapons at him, only Lando stops them]

Lando: Stop! I've done all I can. I'thousand sorry I couldn't exercise better, but I've got my own bug. I've already stuck my neck out further than I should.

Han Solo: Yep. Y'all're a real hero.

[Lando and the guards exit]

Princess Leia: You certainly have a manner with people.

Yoda: Yoda! Yous seek Yoda!

Luke: [in 1997 Special Edition merely] This is it.

Helm Needa: [on a hologram] And that, Lord Vader, was the last time they appeared in any of our scopes. Considering the amount of damage we've sustained, they must've been destroyed.

Darth Vader: [non on the hologram] No, Helm. They're alive. I want every transport bachelor to sweep the asteroid field until they are found.

[Needa bows and the hologram disappears]

Admiral Piett: [walks upward to Vader] Lord Vader.

Darth Vader: Yep, Admiral, what is it?

Admiral Piett: The Emperor commands you lot to make contact with him.

Darth Vader: Move the ship out of the asteroid field so that we can send a clear transmission.

Admiral Piett: Aye, my Lord.

[Vader goes into his room and bows as Emperor Palpatine appears on a giant hologram]

Darth Vader: What is thy bidding, my main?

Emperor Palpatine: At that place is a great disturbance in the Strength.

Darth Vader: I have felt it.

Emperor Palpatine: We have a new enemy. The young insubordinate who destroyed the Decease Star. I take no doubt this boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker.

Darth Vader: How is that possible?

Emperor Palpatine: Search your feelings, Lord Vader. You will know information technology to be true. He could destroy u.s.a..

Darth Vader: He's but a boy. Obi-Wan can no longer help him.

Emperor Palpatine: The Strength is stiff with him. The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi.

Darth Vader: If he could be turned, he would go a powerful ally.

Emperor Palpatine: Yes. He would exist a peachy asset. Can it be done?

Darth Vader: He will join united states of america, or dice, my main.


[Luke has encountered Yoda. Thinking he is a stranger, Luke points his blaster at Yoda who cowers downwardly, holding his arms over his head while belongings on to his cane for support]

Yoda: [fearfully] Put away your weapon! I mean you no harm!

Luke: [lowering his weapon] Who are you?

Yoda: [poking his head upwardly, so his eyes are visible] I was just wondering... Why are you here?

Luke: I'm looking for someone.

Yoda: [uncovers his elderly, just friendly face completely, eyes wide] *Looking?* Been looking at someone, you take! Mmmm.

[Yoda laughs]

[Luke has simply encountered Yoda. Yoda is pretending to be senile to examination Luke's patience; R2-D2 watches equally Yoda plays with a fiddling flashlight-similar lamp. Already impatient, Luke tries to take the lamp away from Yoda]

Yoda: Mine! Or I'll help you non.

Luke: I don't want your help. I desire my lamp dorsum. I need it to become out of this slimy mudhole.

Yoda: [insulted; as he speaks, R2-D2 opens a side door and extends a pair of pinchers and grabs hold of the lamp and tries to pull the lamp away from Yoda] Mudhole? Slimy? MY habitation, is this!

Yoda: [startled] Wha?

Luke: [Yoda and R2-D2 kickoff a tug-of-state of war with the lamp; R2 beeping and bustling protestingly] R2, let him have information technology.

[Yoda grabs his cane and starts whacking R2-D2 repeatedly with it]

Yoda: [as he is whacking R2] Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!

Luke: [firmly] *R2!*

[R2 relents, sinking his pinchers into his metallic body. Yoda uses his cane to close the side door for R2-D2'south pinchers]


The quote item below may give away important plot points.

Darth Vader: There is no escape. Don't brand me destroy you lot.


Darth Vader: Luke, you do not still realize your importance. You lot have only begun to find your power. Join me, and I will consummate your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive disharmonize and bring club to the galaxy.

Luke: I'll never join you!

Darth Vader: If you lot just knew the power of the Dark Side. Obi-Wan never told y'all what happened to your father.

Luke: He told me enough! He told me *you* killed him!

Darth Vader: No. *I* am your father.

Luke: No. No. That's not true. That'due south incommunicable!

Darth Vader: Search your feelings, you *know* information technology to be true!

Luke: [anguished] No! No!

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